About (ISO27001) certification

We love security. Not only in our products, but also in our organisation. That’s why we have implemented the controls of the ISO27001 standard, which are, year after year, audited by an independent organisation.

About ISO-27001

ISO27001 is an international standard that covers everything related to information security. 

Its goal is to minimize the risk that confidentiality, integrity or availability of information is breached. Almost 100 so-called “controls” cover everything from onboarding personnel to handling critical incidents. 

With the intrinsic goal of continuous improvement, you can be sure that we do everything to keep your data secure.

About NIS-2

ISO27001-compliance is also a very strong starting point for the requirements that the European NIS2 directive puts on essential entities like Metaregistrar.

Metaregistrar has been designated by the Dutch Government as provider of essential domain name and hosting services, and in that capacity,  has to comply with the Dutch and European NIS2 directives.


About the certificate

We have implemented the most recent version of the standard, ISO27001:2022.

 The certificate is available for download here.

The statement of applicability is available upon request. Please contact us at support@metaregistrar.com for this statement.